Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Water Buffalo" sez:

I worked in the public education sector in Escambia County for 39 years as a teacher, ass't principal and principal.
I married Virginia Mason and had two children, Angela and Shaun. Angela is a nurse in Beaufort, SC, Shaun is a manager for Ford in Franklin, TN. Virginia and I divorced in 1978. She has remarried as
I. I'm married to Janice Burnes, who is a recovering cancer patient. We have been together 22 years.
I don't take pictures or make recordings...evidence!
Retired in August 2002 and hope to be able to make the trip to M'ville in Oct.
Five spinal surgeries have left me without pain, yet my ability to "get around" is impaired. Getting old is hell.
I have a Yorkie that is 4 years old. Had another Yorkie that was 13 and had him put down last loosing
a child.
Other than that, if I tell you too much, like Spec. Ops. and being in both Bushes' admin., then there would be nothing to talk
about in Oct.

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