Monday, August 31, 2009

Lunch with Earlene

Had a nice luncheon meeting today at Sylvia's Restaurant with Earlene Hamilton. Joe Mobley was there as was my 1959 classmate, Herb Meyer, of Athens. Herb had so many funny memories of our classmates and kept us in stiches for over two hours. He had written a "Remember When" list, part of which I will publish soon.

Earlene tells me that hardly anyone has made reservations for the "Golden Brigade" Reunion, so let's get those reunion reservations as well as hotel reservations made. You need to go ahead and secure your hotel room as Milledgeville is having a Festival that same week-end and you may have trouble securing a room later. GMC rooms will be held for reservations through September 23rd

Happy Days Fifty Years Ago

Larry "Water Buffalo" Stafford (HS '59) has been working tirelessly to bring enthusiasm to our 50th Reunion. Larry is one of the most memorable cadets of our era. A gentleman to the manor born, a prince of friends, and a cadet ever in the forefront of cadet life at GMC. Larry continued through Junior College ('61) and rose to be Company Commander of "E" Company.

Hometown Hero MG Peter Boylan

Here is a channel 41 feature on Major General Boylan.
Click on the link and when you get to the Channel 41 page click on "Middle Georgia Pride", Milledgeville, GA, August 20 feature.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Richard Moody (JC '59) recognizes U.S. Army Veterans through "FREEDOM TEAM SALUTE"

Many years ago, during a Sunday worship service at Cherokee Heights Baptist Church, the Rev. Len Strozier asked all World War II veterans in the congregation to stand and be recognized.
So they rose from the pews, their heads high, as if they were lifting their voices to sing a hymn.
Grace Hinson stood up, too. She felt someone tugging on her arm.
“Sit down,” a man told her. “This is for the veterans, not their wives.”
Grace stood her ground. Yes, she was a WWII veteran’s wife. Her husband, the late Ben Hinson Sr., was with the Army’s 27th Air Depot in New Guinea.
But she had also served in the military, even though her marching orders never took her into the theatres of war. As a nurse with the Army Nurse Corps, she stayed home to care for injured soldiers.
She is one of 350,000 women who served in the armed forces during WWII, compared with more than 16 million men in the military.
She can count on one hand the number of times she has been publicly recognized for her military service.
That will change Friday afternoon. She won’t be in church, but the ceremony will take place in the chapel at Bolingreen Nursing Center.
No one expects her to leap out of her wheelchair and take a bow. This time they will rise to salute her.
Richard Moody, a retired Army colonel from Milledgeville, has arranged the short ceremony.
Since January, he has been involved with a national program called “Freedom Team Salute.” It recognizes U.S. Army veterans, along with the parents, spouses, children and employers of active duty soldiers.
He has delivered about 80 commendation packages, which include a personalized certificate and letter of appreciation from the secretary of the Army.
Much of the recognition is for people he meets or learns about. He has received some names through local veterans’ organizations.
Friday will have extra special meaning, though.
There is a unique bond between the two. Grace Hinson is his aunt and a beacon of light in his military career of more than 30 years.
“I can’t begin to put into words what this fine lady means to me,” Richard said. “She has always been an inspiration. I have a deep sense of gratitude for anyone who has been in the military.”
Grace grew up one of six children on a dairy farm near Union Point in Greene County. She had wanted to attend the University of Georgia and major in home economics, but her family could not afford a college tuition.
She was working at a dry goods store in her hometown when she learned of an opportunity to receive training through a nursing program at the old Macon Hospital.
She was a second lieutenant in the Army Nurses Corps during the last 18 months of WWII, working at Army hospitals in Florida, Pennsylvania and Alabama.
After the war, she spent 37 years as a nurse and nursing instructor at the Macon Hospital and The Medical Center of Central Georgia.
Richard is looking for ways to locate Army veterans in the area. (He can be contacted at The Web site is
“I’m just getting started,” he said. “I’ll do 50 million if I can.”

Prep Students Honored by Georgia High School Football Magazine


Milledgeville, Ga.– Three Georgia Military College Prep School students have been recognized by the Georgia High School Football Magazine for their achievements in the classroom and on the field.

Will Parker and Matt Harrison were selected to the pre-season academic all-state Class A football team.

Donovan Smith was chosen for the pre-season academic honor roll.

Will Parker is the son of Angie Harper and Ken Parker. Will is the captain of the football team this year. He also plays basketball and baseball, and was a member of GMC’s 2009 Region 7-A championship baseball team. He is an honor student and a member of the National Honor Society. Will takes college classes through GMC’s Joint Enrollment Program, is a member of the drill team and is listed on the academic honor roll. He leads the youth praise band at Sinclair Baptist Church.

Matt Harrison is the son of Mark and Judy Harrison. Matt also swims and plays baseball, and was a member GMC’s 2009 Region 7-A championship team. Matt takes college classes through GMC’s Joint Enrollment Program, and is a member of the National Honor Society. He is consistently on the Principal’s List, and received the UGA Certificate of Merit and the Presbyterian College Junior Achievement Award. He is an active member at First United Methodist Church in Milledgeville.

Donovan is the son of Wayne and Vanessa Smith. Donovan is a three sport athlete who in addition to football plays basketball and baseball. He was a member of GMC’s 2009 Region 7-A championship baseball team. Donovan hopes to continue his football career at Georgia State University. He attends Calvary Hill Baptist Church and Fountain Grove Church.

The Georgia High School Football Magazine is an annual football preview published in conjunction with the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association. It has become one of the primary sources of information about high school football for coaches and fans alike across the state of Georgia. Selections for the academic teams were based on information provided by coaches across the state and were based on a combination of last year’s stats, anticipated performance on the field, and academic records such as GPA and SAT score.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cadet Major Rick Performs a Rifle Drill

Remember our "Crack Squads of Yesteryear? We could do this too! I was on "A" Company Squad, and the Batallion Crack Platoon. Also 2nd place "Knock Out" Drill. I had some very good drill experience from walking the "Bull Ring" almost every day -Ed
Queen Annnnne Salute!

First Day Of School 2009

Special thanks for LTC Kim Leben and her husband for these beautiful pictures sent in by Earlene Hamilton (Click on picture to enlarge it)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football - 1959 Bullpups

(Click on picture to enlarge it)

Harry Smith

Dear Ed
good to hear from you. Just letting you know i will be attending. Look foward to seeing everyone.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Guest Book has been added

I have added a guest book on the Left Hand side of the BLOG. This should make it easier to leave comments if you don't want to comment on specific postings.

Two new links added

Two new links have been added in the top Left Hand Corner:

(1) The GMC Alumni Website where you may view information regarding Alumni Weekend, Hotel information, and directions.

(2) The Vietnam Veterans Memorial where you may view information about Knuth, Wheeler, or other fallen Heroes you knew.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ray Davidson sends pictures of Larry Knuth

Ray Davidson grew up on Merriweather Circle in Milledgeville and attended GMC from the fall of 1961 to the summer of 1965. Here is (1) a picture of Larry's nephew standing beside a poster of Larry at the Lake Norman (FLA) Fest and (2) a picture of Larry on Okinawa in 1964.

Click on picture to make it bigger.

Don Neal reports All Present

Heard from Don Neal HS 59 (Band Co.) He is following up on some "lost" classmates on the list. We appreciate his good help.

Don moved back to Milledgeville from California years ago. He is employed by the Exchange Bank of Milledgeville.

We must be doing something different and right

The following E-mail message was sent out to the GMC Prep School faculty by Robert Gary Couch, Prep School Athletic Director. I thought it would be of interest to you who stood in many formations long ago.

I am not one to send out a lot of emails about things other than athletics. However, this morning as I saw the new and the old, students and teachers, stand together to greet a new day of school, I looked up in the beams of the new high school building being built to see one by one those workers stop what they were doing and watch the formation. These guys were laying concrete, which has to be done without waste, but they stopped to watch what we were doing. As the colors were raised, they each removed their hats and took part. I don't think this was something they were told to do. They didn't seem to be telling each other to stop and watch. It did appear they were watching something special. I would have to agree. We were all watching and participating in something special. You never know when someone is watching, and when we as a school can make an impact on others. Have a great first day, and every day.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


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Fallen Comrades

Top L-R Blizzard King Bottom L-R Underwood Hutchins

Left Bush Right Crockett
Sonny King was "D" Company Commander in 1961. He was a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent killed in the line of duty while serving a warrant in a neighboring county.

Fallen Heros

Larry Knuth and Johnny Wheeler, both JC Baseball Players died in Vietnam.

Click on the link below to read a moving tribute to them

Ike Thomas, "Jabo" Talylor to coordinate JC alumni contacts

Ike Thomas (JC 1959) and Don, "Jabo" Taylor have gotten together to contact JC alumni with whom we've lost contact.
Ike lives in Milledgeville and Don lives in Pine Mountain.
2nd Lt. Ike Thomas (JC 1959)

Coletti Book Signing

Dr. George Coletti (JC 1959) who was our Batallion Exec. Officer has written a book in two volumes, Vol. 1 Stone Mountain the Granite Sentinel-Prelude to War; Vol 2, Stone Mountain the Granite Sentinel-The War Rages On. He will conduct a book signing on Friday October 23 at 2:30 P.M. in the Sibley-Cone Library.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our Batallion Commander

Jim Crossley's dad graduated from GMC in the class of 1919. Jim followed forty years later in 1959.
Died 11-09-1979 in Chatham County, GA.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Some "Town Boys' who are still here

Left to Right: Alling Jones, former GMC Alumni Director and GMC Prep School French Teacher, Walker McKnight, Battalion Cmdr. 1961, Tommy Noles, Pharmacist, Russell Walden, former Eli Lilly executive andBobby Parham, Pharmacist and Member of Georgia House of Rep.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Please Update your Alumni Records

Click on the link below to go to the GMC Alumni Site and update your records.


Link to Alumni Weekend Information

Click on this link to Information on Alumni Weekend

Herbert Meyer sends news and has joined the BLOG

Ed, great to hear from you. I think I put myself successfully on the "Blog". I have been in touch with Earlene Hamilton over the last few days and plan definitely to attend the 50th. I never get to Milledgeville, but I'm determined to drive down, probably on Wednesday, and hope that we might have some lunch. I called Golden last weekend about coming down, and will call Parker tomorrow. I see Ramsey about once or twice a year. Nothing changes about him, McMilllan or Pugh - Billy Massey says that he needs to lay on more men when they are all in town! My last trip to Milledgeville was to bury Warren Dawson, a great sadness to me.

I'm fine. Got me a knee replacement and play golf all the time. I;'m very serious about my clarinet work, formed a dance band called the Classic City Swing, that plays nothing but the old standards, Miller, Dorsey, etc. I'm president of the Classic City Band here in Athens, and I also play with the Northwind Symphonic Band in Gainesville. Keeps me having fun 9 months a year. Phyllis is still working for the USEPA with no plans to stop. She's about to be 65, a young, but beautiful thing.

Sarah Stembridge Marley and husband David were our guests over July 4. They came for a concert from Savannah for a couple of days. Also had emails from Diane McDade, who is living outside of Auburn, AL, with husband Paul and grandmothering a lot. She is in touch with Otto and Cam. Talked last week to Myles in Greenville. Myles has just finished a year as the District Governor of Rotary International for the state of South Carolina. He has a family reunion the week of the October 22 and will miss the Reunion.

I hope we can pull in some of the old guys. I know Moody is kicking around in Dallas and Chandler is in Hendersonville, NC. It would be fun to call a few of these guys.

Frank O Evans is good about staying up with me, and we keep Henry Stanford in touch. It's just great to hear from you. I'll contact you in the next few days.

I'm at 706 549 8533 (H) or 706 380 3878 (C). I'm planning to call Earlene Hamilton tomorrow about coming down either Wed. or Thursday. Hello Marsha.
Herb Meyer

Looking back fifty years

Ed Robinson
Kenneth Moody
Doug Manning
J.R. Parker
Jim Tillman
Larry Stafford

Here are some classmates from the 1959 "Recall" Thanks to Marion Robinson for scanning these.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Major Kemp

This is a man we learned to love and respect. We still miss him.

New Prep School Building

A worker guides the final beam into place during the topping out ceremony at what will be Usery Hall, named after alumnus and former U.S. Labor Secretary W.J. Usery Jr.
This building stands where the old Vinson Hall and Main Barracks stood.
The final construction beam was installed Friday for the new prep school building being built on the historic campus of Georgia Military College. GMC President Maj. Gen. Peter Boylan presided over the installation of the building’s frame, along with alumnus and former United States Labor Secretary W.J. Usery Jr., who was keynote speaker for the event. The new facility will be named Usery Hall in his honor.

“No building topping off is more important than the three stories behind me,” Usery said to the assembled group. “This is where the next century will be educated. They will be able to look back on this building and be proud.”

Usery’s remarks came just before a crane hoisted the final beam into place. The beam had been signed by GMC cadets, employees and well-wishers. Usery led the crowd in applause as the beam was installed.
-The Union Recorder August 1, 2009

Doug Manning is deceased

Doug Manning

Jim Tillman reports:

Doug was from Knoxville, TN but, GMC was Doug's home. He was our HS classmate for several years and went on to JC, graduating in 1961. He was a company commander and was in his sophomore year Batallion Executive Officer. He served in Viet Nam as a Marine Platoon Leader. He married a Milledgeville girl, Helen Horton.

Stafford locates some more

Below are the names of several classmates that have been researched through and other records such
as obituary records.
Earlene or anyone trying to organize a reunion is like attempting to herd cats...hard to do. I appreciate what has been done
for it gave us a base to work from. My thought is that Earlene asked an assistant to find the information about our classmates of 1959. I have the Recall from 1959-1961. My focus was on the names and pictures in that publication.
Being none of us have reached perfection, but stand close achieveing such, I'll stand corrected on whatever your research
shows vs. mine. This is what I have uncovered this AM.

Nick Avalos graduated JC in 1960...a refugee from Cuba.

Walter T. Cooley
1004 Glenwood St.
Dothan, AL 36301

Guy W. Hardaway deceased Feb. 8, 1975.

Robert Eugene Johnson deceased July 19, 2004

Miford O. Lockwood deceased March 24, 2006

Charles M. Overstreet deceased March 31, 2005

Jim H. Sims
500 Merrimac Place
Selma, AL 36701

William Webster Mitchell
Canton, GA 770-479-1330

In addition, there is no photograph or recollection of the following:
John C. Davis
H. J Davis
Douglas DuBeau
Kenneth F. Eakins
Nelson Lee
Michael N. Maynard
James D. Royals
Edward Henry Wentworth, Jr

Clarification of several names in addition to Nick Avalos..., as listed in the Class of 1959.
William R. Murphy JC 1960
Thad Studstill JC 1959
Albert G. Thompson HS 1958

Looking forward so much to seeing you and the others from 1959...a long time ago.